Before I start this letter, I just wanted to explain why I decided to write this, and why I think you guys should do it too. To start off with, I was so harsh to younger me. I was insecure, sad, and always brought myself down. While I still do these things now, I want to acknowledge them so I prevent myself from repeating the same mistakes. I wanted to share my letter with you as an example and, as inspiration to be nicer to you and appreciate your younger self; without them you wouldn’t be you. I think you guys should do the same as this can help you notice some bad habits or harmful things you say or do to yourself.
Dear younger Sasha,

I wish you knew how incredible you are. You continue to push through no matter what was thrown at you. I know these painful things you are experiencing seem never ending, and that you feel happiness is limited. I am here to tell you, you are so much stronger than you think. Things may seem like they won’t get any better, but darker days help you appreciate the ones with light. Your determination and perseverance have helped you blossom into a wonderful young woman.
Don’t allow things out of your control to stress you out, they will only make you unhappy. Accept when people want to walk out of your life, and never beg them to stay. If people want to be in your life they will, and you should never force them as they will only resent you for it later. You are beautiful and special and deserve true love and happiness. Never settle for anything less or reduce your value for any boy, the right one will come along. However, just know relationships aren’t perfect like you see on TV or in the media, they require work, time, and effort. The right boy will never give up on you and you shouldn’t give up on them, you guys are a team.
Make sure you value the time you spend with your family and friends, as you never know when it will be your last. Tomorrow isn’t always guaranteed, make sure to let the people you love and care about know how much you do; they will appreciate this. Have meaningful conversations to really understand people, this will enhance your relationships and make them deeper. Check up on people as much as you can, everyone is struggling with their own battles. If you need help, reach out to the people close to you; they can’t help what they don’t know. Don’t forget to live in the moment and cherish the memories you make as you’ll look back on them and wish you could relive it.
Love you,
Your future self,