You can literally ask anyone who knows me well. I LOVE a good plan. Doesn’t matter if it’s my journey to work, a holiday, or my friend’s birthday. I LOVE a good plan. This has its positives but some negatives two. Let’s start with the positives. I feel calmer knowing what’s going to happen, the day is much more enjoyable, and you are more reliable. However, time for the negative, and it’s a big one. Things don’t always go to plan, leaving me stressed and confused. A good example? The next five years. Yes, I know I am 20 so why am I trying to plan the next FIVE years. I’ll tell you why. I LOVE a good plan. I know what future career I want, how my wedding will look, how many kids I will have. (no I am not crazy, I’m just optimistic). As I become more mature I have realised the plan I have in my head probably won’t happen, or at least not in the way I may expect. I may get married and have kids, just not in the timeline I expected. I may have my dream career, but maybe just not the timeline I expected. I’ve learnt to accept this, which 16-year-old Sasha would have had a full on breakdown.
Social media has such a massive role to play in this pressure to have a plan and know what you want to do with your life. Seeing people with your dream job, dream car, dream house and a lot more. One thing I like about our generation is that we are a bit more candid (sometimes). There are people out there, posting about the realities of life. I think it’s so powerful when people share their stories about struggling in their chosen careers. Purely because it shows that life isn’t smooth sailing. So, leading back to trying to have your life planned out, I try to be as open as possible. I still have my dreams and the ages I’d like to accomplish them, but I won’t beat myself up if they don’t happen in my time frame. I think the thing to remember is life is unpredictable, which I personally believe is something so special. When you allow yourself to have an open mind, you might be surprised by the things that come your way. If you're stuck in having a set plan, you're stopping yourself from exploring new possibilities. You might learn something new about yourself.
If there is anything for you to take away from this, stop trying to perfectly plan your life. Be open minded and discover what you want, because chances are they will change as you get older.
Sash x